TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: ctools

Total 51 artículos

OSBI tips in October 2012

[] Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, Ctools and Saiku in October.You can follow all the historic tips from stratebi demo [], under new info

5º Pentaho Developers en Amsterdam

Este fin de semana se ha celebrado el 5º Evento de Pentaho Developers en Amsterdam. La agenda []tenía muy buen aspecto, con los todos los lideres de cada proyecto y viejos conocidos presentes: Matt Casters, Julian Hyde, Thomas Morgner, Pedro

OSBI tips in Sept12

[] Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, in Septembter.You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo [], under new info icon, - http://wiki.

OSBI Tips in August 12

[] Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, in August.You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo [], under new info icon, - Data Federation

Probando Saiku Reporting

Con motivo de le la reciente liberación de Saiku Reporting 1.0 GA []vamos a hacer una pequeña revisión de lo que nos ofrece.Para ello, y cómo de costumbre, lo primero es instalarlo. Para ello sólo hay que seguir los pasos que en la

OSBI Tips in June 2012

Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, in June.You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo [], under new info icon, - -

OSBI Tips in May 2012

Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, in May.You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo [], under new info icon, - -