TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

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Total 89 artículos

History of Big Data

Very few people are aware that big data has a little-known history that goes back to the early c18000 BCE! As we are at the start of 2016, lets look back and see the long history of Big Data and some of the important milestones. Visto en TavtaSoft [http://www.

Ten Tips For Successful Business Intelligence Implementation

Buenos consejos los planteados en cloudtweaks [] 1. Prioritize your goals. 2. Recognize your non-negotiable criteria. 3. Utilize built-in tools first. 4. Clean data only. 5. Identify key metrics beforehand. 6. Start small – choose a few goals to focus on in the beginning, then add

Business Intelligence: 2014 y Futuro

Hacia donde se encamina el Business Intelligence? os damos algunas pistas: [] [] [] El Business Intelligence está cambiando. En los últimos tiempos se están produciendo cambios vertiginosos que están incidiendo

Aprende sobre Graph Databases

[] Learn about concepts behind Neo4j [], graph databases, NOSQL and start to dive into our Cypher query language. Free Download [] Graph Databases [], published by O’Reilly Media, discusses the problems that are well aligned

Cuando los Telediarios hablan de Big Data

Pues sí, este fin de semana en el Telediario de Tele5 hablaron de Busines Intelligence, Big Data, Internet de las cosas, etc... como del 'nuevo petroleo' de nuestra era. El reportaje tenía muchos tópicos y lugares comunes (y no se entraba en detalles técnicos), pero es relevante que